Taking Part

We’re always keen to meet new players and to introduce them to croquet.  Whether you’re an absolute novice or if you’ve played before in the back garden, we have taster sessions periodically. Follow this link to see the details of the course.

Come along and have a go – we have a stock of mallets and other equipment for you to try, and we’ll give you the basic instruction you’ll need. All you need is a pair of flat-soled shoes.

We also have beginners’ courses for those who want to improve their skills.

Read more if you’re part of a group that wants to give croquet a try, or if you’re ready to join us as a member, download and complete the application form and send it to the membership secretary either by
– email to bowdoncroquet@gmail.com or
– by post / in person to Bowdon Croquet Club, St Mary’s Road, Bowdon WA14 2PL

Membership categories and fees are shown here.

The Online Booking System can be accessed by clicking here