Box Leagues

AC & GC Box Leagues
The next round of the Box leagues is now upon us. Round 19 for AC and GC and Round 5 for One Ball are due to be played by Saturday 22th February 2025.

Previous Round Results
AC Box League results can be found here.
GC Box League results can be found here.
One Ball Box League results can be found here.

Next Round Fixtures
AC Box League fixtures can be found here.
GC Box League fixtures can be found here.
One Ball Box League fixtures can be found here.

 If any other member would like to join any of the box leagues please get in touch with Nigel. Good luck to all players.

Nigel 😎

Here’s a reminder of the rules!

Box Leagues – Rules of Engagement
There are three players in each box (occasionally four/two if there are an uneven number of players in the whole league).
Please arrange to play the other two players over the next month and, write the results on the scoresheet which will be on the clubhouse competition notice board.
Matches must be played by the due date for each round.

Association Croquet
Boxes 1-4 will be advanced, 18 point, 90 mins in winter or 26 point, 3 hours in summer.
Boxes 5-6 will be level play, 18 point, 90 mins in winter or 26 point, 3 hours in summer.
The remaining boxes will be 14 point with a set number of bisques each and a 1.5 hour time.  The winner of the box will be the player who wins the most matches, where players are equal then the winner will be decided on the total number of points scored, then fewest lost, if still equal then I will toss a coin!

Golf Croquet
Boxes 1-3 one game – best of 19 hoops
The remaining Boxes are best of 13 hoops
All boxes are level play, no time limit.
The winner of the box will be the player who wins the most matches, where players are equal then fewest games lost, then most hoops run, then fewest lost. If still equal, I will toss a coin!

A match not played is scored 0-0 regardless of who is at fault/injured.
The box winner goes up a box and third placed goes down for the next round. this may require ‘executive decisions’ where there have been withdrawals and new entrants to the league.

These rules will evolve with time once we see how the league runs.

Any queries please contact me, 

Nigel Matthews
Box Co-ordinator