The Croquet England ‘Eights’ are tournaments in which top players compete in groups of eight, according to ability. There are 4 groups of eight players. The President’s Cup is for the best eight.
Jack Good is playing in the second Eight, for the Chairman’s Salver, at Ramsgate. Andrew Winn and far country member Robert Essler are both in the third Eight, for the Spencer Ell Cup, at Pendle.
Places are allocated by the AC Selection Committee. Each competitor plays a single game against each of the other 7 competitors twice. Thus, there are 14 rounds of single games, the winner being the one with most wins. In the event of a tie in the number of wins the possession of the trophy for the year will be decided by a play-off if time permits. For a 2-way tie it will be a single game; in the event of a tie between three or more competitors, the names will be drawn at random and single games will be played in each round. Play is according to Advanced Rules, or if both players agree, Super-Advanced Rules .
We wish Jack, Andrew and Robert the best of luck and fine weather.
To keep up to date with the scores you can access the Croquet Scores website for the Eights at: