150th Anniversary – 28th & 29th April 2023

The club celebrates its 150th Anniversary on Friday 28th April with a members Hotpot Supper followed on Saturday 29th April with the official opening of the summerhouse and afternoon teas for members, family and friends.
The programme of events can be seen by clicking here

The hotpot supper starts at 7 for 7.30pm and marks 150 years, to the day, that the club was formed. The guest of honour is the president of the Croquet Association, Patricia Duke-Cox. There will be a welcome speech by our President, Brian Storey, and also a short quiz during the supper.
Members are asked to indicate their attendance on the list in the clubhouse or contact one of the committee members. There is also a list in the clubhouse for those volunteering to help with the catering.

On Saturday 29th April at 3pm after a short welcome by Brian Storey, Patricia Duke-Cox will invite Sally Dynevor (Sally Metcalfe of Coronation Street) to officially open the Summerhouse.
Before the opening ceremony there will be one-ball games for any members, their family, or friends who would like to try out croquet. This will start at 1pm.
After the opening, afternoon teas will be served (about 3.30pm) for guest, members, family and friends. We also hope to have a demonstration game of top-class croquet during afternoon teas.
Again, can members indicate, on the list in the clubhouse, if they are attending, and how many family and friends they are inviting.