Bowdon lose to Bury, away, in NWF AC Handicap League

Club mermbers of a nervous disposition should not read further.

Bowdon’s team in the NWF AC Handicap league lost by 0 – 7 against Bury Caesers. Bury Caesers are now top of the League having won three matches and Bowdon are near the bottom having won one of two matches. Bowdon’s team was Dave Holland (Captain), Charles Fraser, Barry McKenzie and Ros Pimlott.

In the doubles:

Dave Holland (6) and Ros Pimlott (16) lost 16 -26 to Chris Alvey (9) and Tony Phillips (4)

In the singles:

Charles Fraser (14) lost 18 – 26 to Ken Jones (3.5)

Barry McKenzie (8) lost 11 – 12 to Roger Schofield (5)

Dave Holland (6) lost 20 – 25 to Ken Jones (3.5)

Barry McKenzie (8) lost 18 – 19 to Tony Phillips (4)

Charles Fraser (14) lost 5 – 22 to Roger Schofield (5)

Ros Pimlott (16) lost 7 – 26 Chris Alvey (9)

Not a day for the faint-hearted, but one where you just have to congratulate your opponents on their performance and look forward to the next match.