Play for Team Bowdon in NW Federation Leagues 2022

The Club has entered 6 North West Federation Leagues for the coming summer season.

If you have not yet indicated that you would like to play, you still have the opportunity to join a team by contacting the appropriate team captain:-
AC Advanced B-League: Brian Kerr
Weekend Handicap League: David Holland
Midweek Handicap League: Andrew Thomson
Short Croquet League: Cas Sinclair
Handicap GC League: Margaret Moss
GC Level-Play League: Alan Mayne

The details of the leagues are shown below

AC Advanced B-Level League: 1 team (Bowdon), usually played by players with single figure handicaps, on a Sunday.
Weekend Handicap AC League: 1 team (Bowdon), usually played on a Sunday at home or Saturday/Sunday away.
Midweek Handicap AC League: 1 team (Bowdon), usually played on a Thursday/Friday.
Short Croquet League: 1 team (Bowdon), usually played on a Sunday at home or Saturday/Sunday away.
Handicap GC League: 1 team (Bowdon) usually played on Thursday/Friday at home or Saturday/Sunday away (a weekend league but we had special dispensation to play midweek because our lawns were fully used at weekends).
GC Level Play League: 1 team (Bowdon), usually played by players with single figure handicaps.
There were an equal number of home and away AC handicap matches in each league, and a match consisted of 2 games in a day. More games were played in Short Croquet and GC matches.

The number of teams we enter into each league depend on the number of club members interested in playing in that league. Each player is expected to make themselves available to play in at least half of the games, both home and away. However, if you would like to play in fewer matches, this can be catered for.

Apart from the B-Level Advanced League and GC Level Play League, all other leagues are played with handicaps, so you do not need to worry about if you are good enough. In fact, we encourage new players to join the league teams to gain experience of play at other clubs – it is and rewarding most interesting to see play at other clubs!