Winter Croquet – Update

5 lawns are now set out for winter play and can be booked on the on line booking system.
The lawns are numbered from the clubhouse to the gate 1, 2 and 3 and the upper lawns from the Cinnamon Club to Newington Court 4 and 5.

A 14pt competition will be held on the first session on Mondays starting on 4th October. Turn up at 9.45am for a 10am start.

A ladder competition will run from 4th.October until 31 March for any 14pt or 18pt game played between members. Results to be communicated to Alan Mayne.

Solomon Grundy will run on Tuesdays occupying the first two sessions (10am to 2.15pm – 2hr games before the clocks go back and 10.45 to 2.15pm – 1.75hr games after the clocks go back). There will be 20 places available each week and the booking sheet will be posted on the notice board on Wednesdays.

A one ball competition will held every other Thursday starting 7th. October during the second booking session (12.15 to 2.15 before the clocks go back and 12.45 to 2.30 after the clocks go back). There will be 20 places available and the booking sheet will be posted on the previous Wednesday.

A one ball competition will be held on the second Saturday in each month commencing on Saturday 9th. October during the second booking session (12.15 to 2.15 ) and 12.45 to 2.30 from November. There will be 20 places available and a booking sheet will be posted the previous Saturday.