GC Elite Squad Practice – 23/24 November

JP Moberly

The England GC team are holding a warm-up weekend at Bowdon at the end of this month (23/24th Nov). It will be over two days when the England team will play the Elite Squad. There will be singles and doubles.
3 full lawns will be in use by the squad over the weekend.
The games will start at 9.30am each day
England – J-P Moberly, Stephen Mulliner, Tobi Savage, Richard Bilton
Elite Squad – Ian Burridge, William Gee, Rachel Gee, James Death

It will not only be a chance for members/spectators to see some of the country’s best GC players in action, but also the England team. It doesn’t seem like there is much top level GC around this neck of the woods so it’s a great opportunity for people to come and spectate – the more spectators the merrier!